Then towards your left shoulder and hold. Move your chin slowly down towards your Links of London. Hold and relax. Repeat three times. Arms: Starting with your arms outstretched, flex at the elbow and bring them slowly into your chest. Extend them again. Repeat five times. Shoulders: Hunch up your shoulders, hold and slowly relax. Repeat five times. Abdomen: Starting from a fully upright position, slide your hands down your legs as far as you can. Straighten up gradually. Repeat three times. Cross your arms across your chest and rotate as far as you can from right to left. Repeat three times. Expertspeak "These basic exercises are mainly for circulation. You could also do arm stretches from your seat. Try shoulder Links of London Reindeer Charm and arm stretches, where you put your arms across your chest, and stretch. This helps your sides and arms. Bend your body all the way down and interlock fingers, curve your back in and stretch your arms towards the seat in front of you." -Vesna Pericevic Jacob, director, Vesna's Wellness Clinic, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi. STRESS BUSTERS, BRITISH Links of London Fairy Godmother Charm Sit with your feet on the ground, back supported against your chair and hands and arms open and relaxed. Take a deep breath, raise your shoulders towards your ears and hold them for a few seconds. Then slowly breathe out and drop the Links of London Flip Flop 3 Flowers Charm. Repeat several times.
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